Saturday 9 November 2013

A Brief History of Duty Belts

Duty belts are worn by Law Enforcement, Emergency Serices and Security officers everywhere.
An important tool in keeping all your daily essential tools at your figure tips. Also known as gun belt or kit belt, duty belts are presently considered the most important part of a uniform. To know more about their history, read on.

During the early 1950s and 1960s, many law enforcement officials in the US began wearing belts named after Sir Samuel Browne on their uniforms. The belts contained a shoulder strap and were worn diagonally across the chest.
This type of belt was first worn by British General Sir Samuel Browne (1824 to 1901) during a battle in India.
In the early 1990s that the police forces in the UK nationally standardized their uniform and this introduced duty belts. Previously Officers carried their equipment in handbag or adapted pockets. Police officers who used to carry firearms and others equipment in their hand bags started using these duty belts. With time, the duty belts gained popularity all across the world.


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